Pop-Tart Morning, Sushi Evening
6:42 PM Posted In Krab , Nintendo DS , Nori , Pop-Tarts , Sushi , Yummy Edit This 0 Comments »Me and Hank's favorite treats are Pop-Tarts - specifically cherry, and brown sugar cinnamon. For Christmas I got a Nintendo DS game called, "Personal Trainer Cooking." Today I was looking around at countries in the game, and I saw sushi. Anyways, back to this morning... Hank and I were having bagels for breakfast, and we ate our last Pop-Tart as a breakfast dessert. After I ate it, I felt sad! Because it was our last!
Ok, back to the sushi evening. Mom and I got all of the ingredients from our shopping trip to WinCo earlier in the day. To prepare the sushi, we first had to cook the rice in water and rice wine vinegar. Then after that was done, we cut the avocado and the cucumber in strips. Then we took out the "nori". Nori is paper-like seaweed that you use to wrap around the sushi. Then we got out a bamboo placemat and saran wrap. We put rice on the saran wrap and then put the nori on. Finally, we put the avocado and cucumber strips on the nori. We also bought crab with a "K", which is technically fish but I like the idea of KRAB! Then we put the krab on the sushi and rolled it up in the saran wrap, and voila! Sushi! Here's a picture of our yummy meal.

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