Green isn't the cookie monster's color...

8:09 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
When my teacher said that the Cookie Monster was turned into the Veggie Monster I didn't belive it. But then I was even surprised that I didn't win the school spelling bee.

This morning... I found it WAS TRUE. See for yourself... You won't belive it.

Yeah.. Not his best color. He looks more like Oscar the Grouch.

Happy Holidays!

2:47 PM Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
This year is an especially odd holiday. My Mom's vacation does not start until Christmas Eve, so Dad and Hank and I will be hanging out until she's done. But here's the happy part! Me and my Dad and Hank have been very interested in stop motion film lately. Here is a little preview of something I filmed today.

This video took over 30 minutes to take pictures of, and then after that we had to do a lot of editing (of course, editing was done by my Dad). Soon I will post more of our videos on my blog. If you want to see some videos we already made just go to my Dad's blog at

Birthday Fever!

7:05 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Today I woke up and thought: it’s my birthday! So I got up early and was watching cartoons and Hank woke up and came in and started watching with me.
I said, “Hank do you know what day it is today?”
And he said, “Juliet I’m only five!”
So I said, “I know, but you must know what day it is today.”
And so Hank said, “It’s Friday?”
“No…I’ll give you a hint…it’s a special day…”
Finally, he said, “It’s your birthday!”

When I came out of my room I found something at my door. It was a homemade card from my Mom. It made me feel special!

Then Mom made me my favorite tea and Hank brought me a present. He used literally the whole roll of wrapping paper! Inside was his favorite crystal ball, which he had given to me. That was very nice of him to give me something of his.

So today I am having a “Stacked Fun” day:
First we’re going to Breadboard for a delicious breakfast. I might get Eggs Benedict!
Then we’re going to rent the old “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” movie. I’ve watched the new one thirty six time but I’ve only seen the old one once.
After that we’re going to see G-Force in the theater.
Then I’m going to download some books on the iTouch Kinldle and read for awhile.
At six I’m going to a fancy French restaurant called Chateaulin with my Grammy and Grandpa.
I’m going to stay up until 9:20 because that’s when I turn 9!

7:03 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Yogurt Hut Madness!

9:55 AM Posted In , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
So... There was this enormous excitement over a new restaurant called "Yogurt Hut" that Hank was talking about all week. We finally went on Friday.

Here are some pictures of "fro-yo".

Farewell,Ye Olde Squirmy! We Will Miss Thee So!

1:50 PM Posted In , , Edit This 0 Comments »
This is my childhood buddy,Squirmy Wormy. I got Squirmy Wormy when I was FOUR! I'm
taking him to the dump tomorrow(3/28/09,March 28,2009.),because he is stinky and patched,and because my dad and his friend Miles are going to the dump tomorrow.
This,on the other hand,is my new buddy,Pill bug,(a.k.a. Nom-Nom.)who I got from IKEA.The
reason why we call him "Nom-Nom",is because he has a zipper for a mouth and can eat other stuffed animals.

So Say "SO LONG!" To Our Fair Squirmy!

My Wallpapers!

9:16 AM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
Today my fantastic Dad taught me how to make some Photoshop wallpapers for your desktop. The pictures that I blurred were an ice cream sundae, a jellyfish, and a colorful bird. Here are they are... I like the bird one with the circles the best. Click on the picture to see it big.